Queensland's premier adventure racing series, Raid Adventures, is bringing their popular adventure race, the Rogue Raid, to Moreton Bay this month.
Taking place at Lake Samsonvale from 5-6 May, the Rogue Raid is a race where teams of two or four compete to collect as many checkpoints as possible over a 24 hour or six hour time period. Using a map and compass to navigate an unmarked path, participants employ mountain biking, kayaking and hiking to steer across the environment.
Director of Raid Adventures and lead race director of the Rogue Raid, Dr Liam St Pierre, encourages people of all fitness levels to get involved and enjoy the experience of adventure racing.
“Adventure Racing is not necessarily about being the fittest person in the race, but more about having a good strategy, navigating well, and putting one foot in front of the other,” says Liam.
To successfully complete the course, strategy, a good fitness level and a hunger for adventure will be an advantage. Male, female and mixed categories are available.
“While there are some competitive teams, the vast majority of racers are in it for the social aspects and exploring somewhere new. The sport is an excellent way to explore our natural environment with a group of friends, with all of the physical and mental health benefits associated with getting outside.”
For those participating in the 2018 Rogue Raid, Liam emphasises that training is key. “If I had any advice for first time participants, it would be to get out there in training with your team mates, using the gear that you hope to be using in the event.” For those looking for a competitive edge in the 24 hour race, Liam’s advice is to, “Plan your strategy well, and get some big hill training in.”
Now in its ninth year and ever-growing in popularity, the Rogue Raid has developed into Australia’s largest 24 hour race in terms of competitors; drawing in entrants from all over Australia, as well as a number of international teams from New Zealand and Singapore.
“We have approximately 260 competitors registered at the moment, and I would expect close to 300 come race day,” says Liam.
A link will be available on Raid Adventure’s website for spectators wanting to follow the race as it develops. “Most of the spectating aspects of the sport happen online through a GPS tracking system, where hundreds of family and friends will follow the GPS tracking dots,” Liam explains. Family and friends can also volunteer on the day of the event and receive great inside perspectives on the sport.
For more information on Raid Adventures or the Rogue Raid, visit www.raidadventures.com