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Qld Transport & Main Roads to Farewell Forms

Filling out paper forms for some transactions in our region will soon be a thing of the past, following the roll-out of paperless applications in all Queensland Transport and Main Roads customer service centres.

State Member for Morayfield, Mark Ryan, said the new process would make it faster and easier for customers to complete their registration and licencing transactions.

"Anyone with an existing smartcard, including a Queensland drivers licence, marine licence or Adult Proof of Age card, will be able to complete several transactions without filling out a paper form,” Mr Ryan said.

“You will simply be asked to answer some questions to help staff identify you and access your correct information.

“The removal of paper forms for certain transactions will be rolled out in stages throughout this year.

“We plan to get rid of forms for common transactions including licensing services for new customers who don’t have an existing smartcard, as well as registration services.”

Mr Ryan said the state-wide roll-out followed the success of a trial last year in Toowoomba.

“The Toowoomba trial was a real hit with customers,” he said.

“People consistently commented on how much quicker and easier it was without having to complete a paper form.”

Under the new process, customers are still required to bring all the necessary supporting documents to conduct their business, including identity evidence and any other materials they may need to complete a service.

To ensure the accuracy of information recorded through verbal interactions, customers will also be required to confirm the details of the transaction when they’re done.For more information about which transactions no longer require a paper form, visit


Phase 1 rollout (26 March 2018)

  • Renewal of driver licence

  • Upgrade licence

  • Replacement driver licence

  • Practical driving tests

  • Re-issue licence after cancellation

  • Change customer details (e.g. change of name)

Phase 2 rollout

  • Issue learner licence

  • Issue licence to overseas/interstate applicant

Phase 3 rollout

  • Registration new business (light vehicles only)

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