The burgeoning Caboolture region is set for a long-awaited upgrade to the area’s hospital. As announced in the 2016-2017 State Budget under the Advancing Queensland’s Health Infrastructure Program, over the next four years, the Caboolture Hospital will share in over $200 million that is to be allocated to the planning and preparatory work for the redevelopment and expansion of South East Queensland Hospitals.
Just recently, the Health and Ambulance Services Minister Cameron Dick officially opened a new 32-bed inpatient ward to provide better individual care for the elderly. Serviced by specialised doctors, nurses, support and allied health staff, this ward includes a secure Gentlemen and Ladies Ageing with Dignity (GLAD) unit. This unit will offer a high level of care for elderly patients suffering from dementia, or other cognitive impairments; alongside coronary and cardiac care, general medicine and a range of other adult conditions.
With the region continuing to expand, it is suggested that the Caboolture Hospital will need approximately 130 new treatment spaces – growing from the current 260. Final numbers will be decided, “...as part of a detailed planning process over the coming year,” Mr Dick said.
Further to this four year plan, the Emergency Department will benefit from an extra $19.6 million over the next two years to ensure the hospital continues to provide premium care. The expansion will see the ED increase its capabilities almost two-fold, with the addition of fourteen treatment spaces, four consult rooms and an extra treatment room.
Mr Dick stated, “Works have already commenced on this...with an expected completion date in December 2018.”
Along with the building upgrades, a highly anticipated extension to the existing hospital car park has been given the go-ahead. Through agreement between the Department of Education and Training and the Metro North Hospital and Health Service, the unused land adjacent to the rear of the hospital will be developed into an extra 300 free car spaces.
The car park development began earlier in 2017 and will feature an all-weather emergency entrance for ambulances attending the Caboolture Hospital. With the improvements will come better accessibility during extreme weather events; the hospital became effectively isolated during the flooding that occurred in May 2015.
Joining the Health and Ambulance Services Minister, the Members for Morayfield and Pumicestone, Mr Mark Ryan and Mr Rick Williams (respectively) were instrumental in securing the funding for this extensive project. Advocating the health of their constituents, both Mr Ryan and Mr Williams were extremely happy to commit to the improvement of vital infrastructure and the future of their communities.
Mr Ryan stated that the project would need to be a stepped approach, “...to address the immediate shortfall, but also cater for long term needs.”
The expansion of the Caboolture Hospital is not only beneficial to the health of the region; it will also generate increased local employment – eventually leading to valuable economic growth.