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SQUID (a.k.a Calamari)

Technically, squid is not a fish, but you can catch and eat them, and they taste great. Now is the perfect time of year to try your hand at squid fishing, because as they come in closer to our foreshores, they are easier to target.

Around this time last year, I managed to catch two nice Tiger Squid at Shorncliffe Pier on a fishing lure called a Squid Jig (basically a prawn imitation with specialised hooks). Many people were amazed at the colours and shape of these creatures, and upon asking me what they were, did not realise that they are the ‘Calamari’ they order at the local fish and chip shop. I wonder what they thought they were eating?

Plenty of areas around the Redcliffe Peninsula, Shorncliffe and Bribie Island all hold nice Tiger Squid at this time of year. Weed beds, rocky gravel beds and around jetties are their favourite hunting grounds; feeding on fish, crabs, prawns and whatever else they can catch. The clearer water at the moment really helps them to hunt, as they rely a lot on sight using their oversized eyes. Masters of camouflage as well, squid can change colour like their relatives the cuttlefish and octopus.

Most squid only get up to about 60cm in length, but the largest recorded was about 13 metres long, leading scientists to believe they can grow a lot bigger. I doubt however that you will catch them that big around here, as they are primarily deep sea creatures, some of which even glow in the dark.

Fast-growing, a lot of squid only live for around a year; long enough to grow and reproduce. They have a very sharp beak similar in shape to a parrot, which is very tough, hard to scratch or break, and even harder than most metals and polymers, therefore they hurt when they bite.

Very popular with anglers, there are now dedicated Facebook pages and fishing guides that will show you how to catch them around Brisbane. I like mine with salt and pepper coating and a bit of lime.

Fun Fact

If you weighed all the squid and fish in the oceans, squid would outweigh fish.

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