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Narangba Nursery: Full of Family Fun

Wanting a juicy Jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) for your garden? How about plants to attract rare and endangered butterflies like the Richmond Birdwing or Clearwing Swallowtail?

Then a visit to Narangba Nursery will not disappoint you. Nestled amongst five acres of Casuarina forest at 481 Narangba Road, Owner/Operators Andrew and Melody Greenhow are cultivating not only plants, but a reputation for horticultural diversity!

Andrew and Melody bought the property three years ago and opened the nursery five months ago. It’s been a surreal experience for Andrew, yet one he feels very comfortable with. “I grew up here as a kid,” he explained. “My parents ended up selling a few years back, so when Mel and I saw the property up for auction, we just had to come along.”

Totally sustainable, Narangba Nursery specialises in growing native and exotic plants that are great providers and pollinators. With a degree in environmental science, boundless energy and a limitless thirst for knowledge, creating his own soil and mulch, and propagating over 90% of the plants on site from species his parents planted more than 15 years ago, is extremely satisfying for Andrew. “Some of these cultivars are ones that you will not find anywhere else in Qld,” he said. “This is not a job for me, it’s just amazing.”

Rare bush-tucker plants such as Sterculia quadrifida (Native Peanut), Pittosporum phylliraeoides (Gumbi Gumbi), Microcitrus australasica (Grafted Finger Lime) and Pouteria australis (Black Apple) are just a few species you’ll find at Narangba Nursery. Blueberries, citrus, mulberries and even Averrhoa carambola (Starfruit) are also propagated here.

Rare, cultivars of exotic Hibiscus have been developed at the nursery, and the striking Eucalyptus deglupta (Rainbow Eucalypt) are extremely popular for their vibrant, rainbow-striped bark. Andrew has also been given license to grow and sell Dwarf Cavendish Bananas. These are sold under strict government conditions and can only be planted within the Southern Biosecurity Zone.

Delicious mushrooms are farmed in a darkened shed, and there are many Tillandsia sp. to choose from. For such a new nursery, the variety on offer is astounding, and Andrew is happy to provide information on whatever you need to know.

The property is a great place for the whole family, with alpacas, Sparky the miniature horse, dogs, chickens and geese in residence. Over the next 6-12 months, Andrew and Melody plan to build a rainforest walk, café and artist’s cottage, where local artists, including the talented Melody, can share their work.

Your senses will be firing when you visit Narangba Nursery, so take the family for a look and immerse yourself in this evolving space of creativity and cultivation.

For more information, check the Narangba Nursery Facebook page, or visit their website at


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